Behavioural based interview questions are designed to assess how you work, and whether or not you’d be a potential fit for the organisation. In this article, we’ll discuss the best ways to prepare for behavioural based interviews.

What are behavioural based interview questions?

Behavioural based interview questions are all about understanding how you respond in certain situations. In essence, it’s about using your past behaviour as a predictor of your future behaviour. When you’re answering these types of questions, it’s really important to use examples. Take the time to think about some key achievements during your career, and how these can successfully demonstrate your abilities.

Typically, questions will start with “tell me about a time when” or “give me an example of”. Your answer will then be assessed to understand whether or not your approach is compatible with the principles, attitudes and working style of the organisation you’re applying to. These sorts of questions can be used to assess whether an organisation sees you as being a good potential culture fit or add, too.

What are the differences between behavioural based interview questions and competency based interview questions?

Behavioural based interview questions and competency based interview questions are often confused, or thought of as the same thing. This is understandable because both types of question tend to be structured in a similar way. Likewise, it’s really important to answer using examples for both types of question.

Competency interviews are designed around the specific talents, skills and abilities needed to be successful in the job and your answers will typically be scored using a competency framework.

Behavioural based interview questions are more general and they’re concerned with how you behave in certain situations. This means they can be used to determine whether or not you’d be a good fit for the company as a whole. For example, does the way you approach a challenging situation fit with the philosophy and attitudes of the wider organisation?

What sort of questions should I prepare for?

It’s important to take the time to prepare for behavioural based interview questions. You’re required to use examples when answering so it’s really important to take the time to think about your past experiences and how these can demonstrate your suitability. Some questions you could prepare for include:

      1. Give me an example of a time you disagreed with a decision and tell me how you effectively handled the situation?
      2. Tell me about a time you had to meet a strict deadline. How did you prioritise effectively and achieve the best outcome?
      3. Give me an example of a time you made a mistake. How did you learn from this?
      4. Tell me about a time you had to collaborate with different teams. What was your approach?

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How should I answer behavioural based interview questions?

To answer behavioural based interview questions, it’s crucial to use examples. Take a look at our guide to competency based interviews as the steps for formulating your answer are the same.

Just as importantly, take the time to prepare. Think about the possible questions you could be asked and then decide which examples you could use to best demonstrate your your suitability for the organisation.